The Terminator on Soap2day

The terminator

The Terminator is an exciting movie that came out in 1984. It’s about a robot from the future who comes to our time to try and change history. The robot, called the Terminator, looks like a human on the outside. But inside, it’s made of metal and has no feelings. The Terminator is trying to find and hurt a woman named Sarah Connor. This is because Sarah’s future son will grow up to save the world from evil robots.

A soldier named Kyle Reese also comes from the future. His job is to protect Sarah from the Terminator. The movie is full of chases and fights as Kyle and Sarah try to stay safe from the robot that never stops hunting them.

Who Made The Terminator?

James Cameron made The Terminator. He not only directed the movie but also wrote the story. Cameron went on to make many other famous movies like Titanic and Avatar. The Terminator was one of his first big films, and it helped make him famous.

The Movie’s Main Characters

The Terminator

Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the Terminator. He’s a big, strong actor who was perfect for playing a robot. The Terminator doesn’t talk much in the movie. When he does, he says things in a flat voice that sounds very machine-like. Schwarzenegger became super famous after this movie.

Sarah Connor

Linda Hamilton plays Sarah Connor. At the start of the movie, Sarah is just a normal waitress. She doesn’t know anything about robots or the future. But as the story goes on, Sarah becomes braver and tougher. She has to learn quickly how to survive when the Terminator is chasing her.

Kyle Reese

Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese. Kyle is a soldier from the future who’s been fighting robots all his life. He comes back in time to protect Sarah. Kyle teaches Sarah about the future and helps her fight against the Terminator.

How The Movie Was Made

The Terminator didn’t have as much money to make it as some other big movies. But the people who made it were very creative. They used cool tricks to make the robot parts of the Terminator look real. Sometimes they used a robot puppet. Other times, they put makeup on Arnold Schwarzenegger to make him look like he was part machine.

The movie also has lots of exciting car chases and explosions. These were all done for real, not with computers. This makes the action in the movie feel very real and exciting.

What Happens in The Movie

The movie starts in Los Angeles in 1984. We see the Terminator arrive from the future. It’s naked because clothes can’t travel through time. The Terminator starts looking for Sarah Connor right away.

Soon after, Kyle Reese also arrives from the future. He starts searching for Sarah too, but to protect her. Kyle finds Sarah just in time, as the Terminator attacks her. Kyle explains to Sarah about the future and why the Terminator wants to hurt her.

Sarah and Kyle spend the rest of the movie running from the Terminator. They also start to care about each other. The Terminator keeps finding them, and there are lots of fights and chases.

At the end of the movie, there’s a big battle in a factory. Sarah and Kyle try their best to stop the Terminator. It’s very hard because the Terminator is so strong and doesn’t feel pain. The ending is really exciting, but I won’t tell you what happens so you can be surprised when you watch it!

What People Thought About The Terminator

When The Terminator came out, people really liked it. They thought the story was exciting and new. Many people were impressed by how real the robot effects looked. Arnold Schwarzenegger became a big star because of how scary and cool he was as the Terminator.

The movie did very well in theaters. It made much more money than it cost to make. This success meant that more Terminator movies were made later.

Even today, many people still love The Terminator. They think it’s one of the best science fiction movies ever made. The film has lots of fans who watch it over and over.

Awards and Special Recognition

The Terminator didn’t win any big awards when it first came out. But over time, people realized how important and good it was. In 2008, the United States government said The Terminator was a very important movie. They put it in a special list of films that they want to keep safe forever.

The movie is also on lists of the best science fiction films ever made. Many other movies and TV shows have copied ideas from The Terminator because it was so good.

More Terminator Movies

Because people liked The Terminator so much, more movies were made after it. The most famous is Terminator 2: Judgment Day. It came out in 1991 and many people think it’s even better than the first movie.

There have been several other Terminator movies too. Some are good and some aren’t as good as the first two. But the original Terminator is still special because it started the whole story.

Watching The Terminator Today

If you want to watch The Terminator, you can find it on many streaming services. You might need to ask an adult to help you watch it, as some parts can be a bit scary for younger kids.

The movie is almost 40 years old now, so some things in it might look a bit old-fashioned. The phones are very big, and the computers look nothing like the ones we use today. But the story is still exciting, and the robot effects still look cool.

Why The Terminator Is Important

The Terminator is an important movie for many reasons. It showed that science fiction movies could be exciting and popular. It made people think about the future and whether robots might become dangerous.

The movie also had a strong female character in Sarah Connor. This was unusual for action movies at the time. Sarah starts off scared but becomes very brave and strong.

The Terminator gave us famous sayings like “I’ll be back” that people still use today. It also made Arnold Schwarzenegger a big star and helped start James Cameron’s career as a famous director.


The Terminator is a classic movie that’s still fun to watch today. It has an exciting story, cool robot effects, and lots of action. The idea of a robot coming from the future is both scary and interesting. Even though the movie is old, its story about humans vs. machines is still something people think about today.

If you like science fiction or action movies, The Terminator is a great film to watch. Just remember, some parts might be a bit scary if you’re not used to action movies. But if you’re okay with that, you’ll probably have a great time watching The Terminator. It’s a movie that has been loved by many people for a long time, and you might end up loving it too!

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